#RIP Rs. 500 & Rs. 1000

It was unprecedented, surprising but one of the boldest decisions of the Govt so far. In an address to the nation Hon’ble Prime Minister stunned the nation as he announced withdrawal of Rs. 500 & Rs. 1000 notes with immediate effect. While a very small section of the nation is burning midnight oil to choke out strategy to collect the residuals from already completely burnt hut, the entire nation is celebrating the decision as one of the biggest gifts given by the Govt.

In recent past Indian army had stunned the whole world when they carried out an unprecedented surgical strike and demolished several terrorists training camps  operating in POK and killed many terrorists. In an another but similar stunning and unimaginable surgical strike to destroy the edifice of Black Money in India, the PM has stunned not only the citizens of the nation but the world community too, as the decision will have a global impact. As the idea of surgical strike in POK was perfectly planned and executed without any adverse impact, the idea of surgical strike on black money and corrupts too is perfectly planned and will be executed.

It was an extremely difficult situation for Pakistan as to how to react on Surgical strike. They were in a big dilemma whether to accept the strike or to reject it because acceptance will expose them before world community that they were promoting terrorism from their soil and rejection will lead to internal protest as demand of rebuttal will be at high. In a similar situation, the corrupt black money holders are in a greatest ever dilemma as what to do now. Govt had given them an opportunity to declare it, pay tax and account it. But the time is over now. Now it is just a piece of papers which is not even worth Rs. 10 a kg. The Prime Minister, while addressing a rally recently in Surat, had hinted for such a strike on black money holders.

Why banks will not be open for public tomorrow?

As the announcement is made and is implemented with immediate effect after close of Banking services today, there would have been an unprecedented rush on bank counters and ATMs. The detailed guidelines and strategy to deal with such situation were yet to reach at ground level of the Bank Staffs which could have led to stampede like situation. In order to avoid the same, the banks are allowed to keep shut for the public so that detailed guidelines could be issued and staffs of Banks can be well prepared to deal with the situation arising after such a crushing announcement.

The action appears to be well deliberated, discussed and perfectly designed that it will be ensured that all genuine holders of Rs. 500 & Rs. 1000 notes will be given enough time to get their money exchanged with legal tender over a period of time but black money will face the limitation check and wont be easily converted into white.

Now it’s time to wait and watch this historic moment which will be written in golden words whenever the history of “Black Money in India and a hunt against it” will be penned down. It will have a global ramification and will be subject to research and study world-wide.

I greatly appreciate the gesture of the Govt of India and am dead sure it will be a perfect master stroke against black money and a big boost to Indian economy.

Happy 67th Republic Day

Hearty greetings to all proud patriot nationalists on 67th Republic Day. Its time to express gratitude to our forefathers who gave us such a robust and great constitution which makes us stand ahead of other nations in the world. Since independence we have achieved remarkable progress in all walk of life and reached on Mars but we are still far behind when comes to achieve inclusive growth of the people of the nation. Our constitution gives equal right to all the citizens but we are nowhere near its achievement, a big causing concern and incomplete respect to the vision of makers.

While traveling by train today morning from Borivali to Churchgate, I observed some group of people gathered at different stations offering tricolor to all who passed through them, majority of them were either from some NGOs or from schools. It was very heartening to note school kids voluntarily distributing tricolor in school uniform but while walking from Churchgate station to office I came across few poor women and their children selling tricolor to passers-by and that was where I was compelled to think of unequal growth we have achieved. A big section of children are deprived of basic necessities of life and we need to focus on. Moving ahead there is an office of a Political Party where you will always find some high-end luxury cars parked and in complete contradiction on opposite side of the footpath, group of poor people forced to lead their lives under open sky. We need to think and work on.

In these years the nation produced good number of Industrialists, Cricketers, Actors resulting in figuring in the list of worlds most wealthy persons. In metros we notice luxury cars, luxury hotels, big bang parties where crores are spent on marriage celebration or even celebrating birthdays. It has become quite common that a movie earns hundreds of crores of rupees which makes us feel truly proud that we have progressed much during these years. But negating the said opinion, we come across news of farmers committing suicide for want of money to make both ends meet. A big gap needs immediate healing action.

In the year 2005, a good friend and colleague of mine predicted our salary to touch minimum Rs. one lakh a month 15 years from then which was around 7 times of then salary and now its proving to be a reality but on the other side number of people committing suicide for want of basic necessities increased many fold. Again equality not achieved.

In short, I say and you agree that the nation has come a long way on the path of progress but majority missed the train of progress.

Now a big question, who is to be blamed for, if any, and who will be responsible to minimize the differences and achieve the unfinished vision of our constitution? The answer of this question will signal whether it is possible in near future or will keep on widening. Were it Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Patel, Bhagat Singh, Netaji and few others freedom fighters to be named who made Britishers leave our country? The answer is no. Each and every people stood before them with only agenda to get India free from them and so is the result. Lesson is clear. If we truly want freedom from poverty and achieve inclusiveness, it should come from each one of us, not only from the Govt. which normally we think of. If we want to see a nation where people are not forced to spend night in open sky in front of a building constructed at a cost of a billion or so, we will have to fight together.

If we need to resolve something on this historic day, we have to do it.

Jai Hind!


Politics and Controversy go hand in hand

Creating controversy with unwanted statements is the cheapest and most effective way in Indian politics to gain popularity and gaining popularity, by any means, is the key to success in today’s politics. It is one of the most successful tools, so far used by politicians, to become a known face. It is neither linked or limited to any particular party nor to any particular section of leaders rather it’s prevalent across all the political parties. The latest such controversy has been created by MoS at centre Sh. Giriraj Singh. As being discussed in media, Mr. Singh has passed a racist comment on Congress President Ms. Sonia Gandhi.

It is quite obvious that such statements are used as a tool to gain short term popularity and the recent one by Sh. Giriraj Singh is also with the same motives. Sh. Giriraj Singh was a minister in Bihar Govt. when BJP happened to be alliance party with Nitish Kumar Govt. initially in-charge of cooperative and later of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Development Resources. However he was not as popular leader in Bihar as many others in BJP especially in his own caste. Dr. C P Thakur has a large stature as far as political figure of Bihar is concerned but today he is hardly talked about by media. In order to make his presence felt at national level Sh. Giriraj Singh has taken this route and has given a number of controversial statements. He was the first person in Bihar who openly criticised Nitish Kumar for opposing Narendra Modi as BJP Prime Ministerial candidate which ultimately resulted in break-up of alliance in the state. It was he who asked all opponents of Narendra Modi to go to Pakistan. The result is before all of us. A leader, who was confined to Bihar only, that too in limited area of state, has now become a name being recited in each and every corner of the country, albeit for wrong reason. He is known to be one of the staunchest supporters of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Though with his statements he has embarrassed PM Modi and sensing the same he has apologized too. Continue reading “Politics and Controversy go hand in hand”

बंदरों की ताजपोशी

आज से कुछ वर्षों बाद भारतीय राजनीति मे बदलाव की एक सुंदर कहानी पढ़ने को मिलेगा। शिक्षक अपने छात्रों को राजनीति की इतिहास की कहानी कुछ ऐसे शब्दो मे सुनाएँगे।

वच्चों, एक समय की बात है जब एक जंगल मे राजा का चुनाव लोकतान्त्रिक तरीके से होता था। वहाँ पर लोकतन्त्र काफी मजबूत हो चुका था लेकिन फिर भी उस जंगल मे रहने बाले जीव जन्तु लगातार बढ़ते महंगाई, भ्रष्टाचार, सामाजिक अपराध, महिलाओं के खिलाफ अत्याचार जैसे अनेक सामाजिक एवं राजनैतिक कुरीतियों के दुष्प्रभाव से परेशान हो चुके थे। उस जंगल मे एक बहुत ही प्रसिद्ध हाथी रहता था जो दूसरे जानवरों के लिए त्याग एवं बलिदान के लिए जाना जाता था। उन्होने जंगल के राजा के खिलाफ मोर्चा खोलने का निर्णय लिया और तय रणनीति के तहत एक दिन राजा के सिंहासन के सामने जंगल के और बहुत सारे जानवरों के साथ आमरण अनसन पर बैठ गया। धीरे धीरे उस जंगल के चारों ओर इस बात की जानकारी जंगल के आग की तरह फैल गयी और देखते ही देखते चीता, भालू, सियार, तोते, गोरैया, कुत्ते, गीदड़ इत्यादि सारे उस अनसन मे भाग लेने की लिए आने लगे। शुरुआत मे तो जंगल के राजा ने सोचा की ये लोग एक दो दिन भूख हड़ताल करेंगे फिर अपने अपने घर को लौट जाएंगे। लेकिन ये संघर्ष धीरे धीरे बढ़ता गया और एक विकराल रूप ले लिया।

उस जंगल मे एक बहुत ही चतुर, चालाक एवं महत्वाकांक्षी बंदर भी रहता था। वो इस सारे घटनाक्रम पर पैनी नजर रखे हुए था एवं मौका देखते ही उसने अनसन पर बैठे समाजसेवी हाथी के पास जाकर उस अनसन मे शामिल होने का आग्रह किया। उस बंदर ने अपने चतुराई से अनसन पर बैठे समाजसेवी हाथी का विश्वास जीता और मंच पर पहुँचकर और बंदरों को भी इस आंदोलन में शामिल होने की बात करने लगा। बस फिर क्या था देखते ही देखते बहुत बड़ी संख्या मे बंदरों की फौज उस आंदोलन मे शामिल होकर हंगामा मचाना शुरू कर दिया। लगातार बढ़ती इस आंदोलन के मंच से सभी जानवरों ने जंगल के राजा को एक संदेश भेजा कि इस जंगल मे ऐसा कानून बनाया जाए जिसमे भ्रष्ट जानवरों के खिलाफ शख्त कारवाई करने का प्रावधान हो।

उधर जंगल के राजा इस बढ़ते हुए आंदोलन को देखकर परेशान होने लगा और अपने राज्य के कुछ मंत्रियों के सलाह पर एक समिति का गठन किया जिसमे राजा के प्रतिनिधि के साथ साथ आंदोलनकारी जानवरों को भी सदस्य के तौर पर रखा गया। उस समिति मे चतुर बंदर भी सामील हो गया। यह विरोध प्रदर्शन इतना भयावह होता जा रहा था कि पूरे जंगल के पशु पक्षी इस पर नजर लगाए बैठे थे। जंगल के राजा का सकारात्मक रवैया देखकर सारे पशु पक्षी प्रसन्न थे लेकिन उस चतुर बंदर को ये बात नागबार गुजर रहा था क्योंकि उस बंदर का नजर उस राजा के गद्दी पर था अतः उसने कानून बनने में एक अड़ंगा लगा दिया और इस आंदोलन को और व्यापक बनाने की बात कहकर अनसन को समाप्त करबा दिया।

इस पूरे प्रक्रिया पर जंगल मे तेजी से बढ़ते मीडिया ने भी नजर जमा रखा था क्योंकि बंदरों के तमासे को कवर करने से उसे अच्छा दर्शक मिल रहा था। बच्चे वहुत ही उत्सुकता से बंदरो के उत्पात को देखते एवं पसंद करते थे। उन बंदरों के हर तमासे को अच्छे से कवर करने के बाद पूरे मशाले के साथ चटपटे समाचार बनाकर उन लोगों ने भी अच्छा पैसा बनाया और उनलोगों का धंधा खूब फल फूल रहा था।

कुछ दिन बाद वो बंदर अपने और सारे बंदर साथियों के साथ आमरण अनसन करने का ठान लिया और जब राजा ने उसकी एक न सुनी तो उसने अपने साथी बंदरों के साथ एक बैठक करके अपना अलग दल बनाकर चुनाव मे उतरने का निर्णय किया। सीघ्र ही जंगल के एक छोटे से प्रांत मे चुनाव आया और उन बंदरों की टोली को अपार समर्थन मिला और फिर वो गीदड़ों की मदद से उस प्रांत का राजा बन गया। अभी कुछ ही दिन बाद पूरे जंगल के राजा का भी चुनाव होना था अतः उस बंदर ने प्रांतीय राजा के पद से त्यागपत्र देकर जंगल के राजा का चुनाव मे ज़ोर सोर से लग गया। उसी जंगल के एक दूसरे प्रांत मे एक शेर का राज पाट था और उसका कद धीरे धीरे इतना बड़ा हो रहा था की पूरे जंगल मे उसी की चर्चा हो रही थी। सारे पशु पक्षी उसके कुशल नेतृत्व से प्रसन्न होकर उसे अपने जंगल का राजा बनाने के लिए तैयार थे लेकिन इस चतुर बंदर ने उसके ही खिलाफ चुनाव लड़ने का निर्णय लिया और बुरी तरह परास्त हो गया और जंगल का नया राजा वही शेर बन गया। चतुर बंदर अपने पराजय से इस कदर टूट गया कि उसे लगने लगा कि अभी तो हमारी पूरी महत्वाकांक्षा ही धरा का धरा रह जाएगा।

अपने हार से पूरी तरह टूट चुका चतुर बंदर फिर से अपने उसी प्रांत मे चुनाव लड़ने को ठाना और सभी पशु पक्षियों से संपर्क साधा और सबको मुफ्त मे खाना पीना दिलाने का वादा किया। उसने जंगल के नए राजा शेर के खिलाफ लोगों को डराने लगा। उसी क्रम मे उसने भेड़ एवं बकरियों को भी सतर्क किया कि यदि इस प्रांत मे भी उसका राजा होगा तो वो तुम्हारे बच्चो को मारकर खा जाएगा। उसने जंगल के पक्षियों को भी सतर्क किया कि अगर उसका राज पाट आया तो जंगल के सारे पेड़ जिसपर तुमलोग बैठते हो उसे वो शहर के व्यापारियों को बेच देगा और बेचारे पशु पक्षी उस चतुर बंदर के चिकनी चुपड़ी बातों मे आकार उसे फिर से उस प्रांत का राजा बना दिया।

फिर क्या था पूरे बंदरों कि टोली को उस प्रांत के विभिन्न पदों पर बैठा दिया गया। लेकिन जैसे ही बंदरों को राजा बनाया गया वो सारे अपने मे झगड़ना शुरू कर दिया। वो एक पेड़ से दूसरे पेड़ पर कूद कूद कर सारे बंदरों को एक दूसरे के खिलाफ भड़काने लगा। हालात इतने बिगड़ गए कि एक दिन बैठक बुलाकर मामले को रफा दफा करने का निर्णय लिया गया लेकिन अचानक सारे बंदर एक दूसरे से उलझ गए और एक दूसरे को नोच नोच कर घायल कर दिया। उधर मीडिया को फिर से पैसा कमाने का मौका मिला और बंदरों के मशालेदार समाचार बेचकर खूब पैसा बनाया। ये सारे तमाशा देखर प्रांत के बाकी पशु पक्षी बड़े अफसोस करने लगे की किसे राजा बना दिया।

और अंत मे शिक्षक वच्चों को बताते हैं कि इस कहानी से ही कुछ मुहबरे बने हैं जैसे कि बंदर के हाथ मे नारियल या फिर बंदर के घाव पोरसीसिए मे इत्यादि। और वच्चों अभी समय खत्म हो गया और इस कहानी का अगला भाग अगले कक्षा मे सुनाया जाएगा।

वैधानिक चेतावनी: इस कहानी के सारे पात्र काल्पनिक हैं एवं इसके किसी भी व्यक्ति से कोई संबंध नहीं हैं।

The Big fight, the big result

A clean sweep, yes very right to say that Aam Aadami Party has made is possible in Delhi assembly election and created a history by winning 67 out of 70 seats. The much awaited fight came to a conclusion with shocking news to everybody. The AAP had not even imagined to get clean sweep, the BJP has never imagined to reduce to almost irrelevance with added salt to lose its Chief Ministerial candidate from one of the most safe seats and the oldest political party lost its identity.

Though this election was for just one of the smallest states or rather say not even a state but an unknown sort of democracy, it meant a lot for three major political parties. At one hand AAP was struggling to re-verify the relevance in Indian democratic set up after being shattered in last year general election on the other hand BJP wanted to continue its victory march through this small state as well before the march reaches to Bihar later this year, West Bengal in 2016 and UP in 2017. Among the two major tests, the already crushed congress party was putting the remaining energy to ensure at least stop further landslide.

And the very high profile contest came to a conclusion but it brought with it great amount of shock for everybody. To say what politicians, political analysts, media, survey agencies no one could think as high as 67. It appeared that people of Delhi were so determined to have a new set of politics and Government in the state that leaving behind all the equations and combinations of Indian politics they voted Mr. Kejriwal to power.

It is the highest ever shock for BJP. Though the party has witnessed defeat in several elections in the country and states since its inception, it is the first defeat of the Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi. Since he stepped into politics as the Chief Minister of Gujarat, he has never faced any defeat in his life. Under his leadership, the party won all the elections they fought in Gujarat and since he was declared as chairman of the campaigning committee, the party won all the state assembly elections before he created a history by getting absolute majority in 2014 general election. After general election sweep too, the party continued wining march in assembly elections in states like Maharashtra, Haryana, Jharkhand and unexpectedly lead in J&K. Keeping the invincible track record of Mr. Modi, it is really a new experience and the party needs to introspect before they march ahead.

This election may be termed as an eye opener for the BJP and the party needs to revisit its strategy before going in public for seeking mandate and to understand that only in the name of Modi magic elections cannot be won all the times. The biggest mistake, if I am to identify, is to bring in new face in the party immediate before election and put on the top superseding senior party loyalists. Internal dissatisfaction among the senior leaders and party workers have caused this irreparable damage to the party.  I have never seen such a negative campaigning strategy of the party ever before. Though there are a number of factors which off course the party will introspect and take necessary steps to set the things right, the party needs to  re-organise the existing leaders and MPs to go in public and execute as committed for coming to power.

However, the party has not lost much in the state and looking at the vote share, the party still stands almost at the same level where it was a year before but in democracy number matters and this time it is with AAP. Now the ball is in the court of AAP as the era of making promise is over and now it is time to execute. The people of Delhi has high expectation and if the party succeeds in discharging its promise, it will be beginning of a new era in Indian politics and the move will go beyond Delhi but if they fail to deliver, it will be suicidal situation for the party.

For congress party, it is nothing to do as of now. The comeback of this party is not dependent on its further course of action but is dependent on the course of action of AAP. If AAP performs as promised, there are least chance of come back of any other party in Delhi.

It is not only the people of Delhi and India but the entire world is watching this high profile change in political discourse in India. Each and every move of the newly elected Govt will be minutely observed and analysed. The Aam Aadami Party needs to take each and every step full of clarity and maturity. I wish all the best to Mr. Arvind Kejriwal and his party for their assignment.

Nitish Kumar – A History

After outright denial by the electoral of Bihar, Nitish Kumar took resort of another high level melodrama by offering resignation from the Chief Minister of Bihar and arranged for sympathy from the party supporters. Badly washed away and having received all round criticism post split alliance with NDA, Nitish Kumar has been passing through a difficult political litmus test. His calculation has been proving wrong with passage of time and when party president Sharad Yadav smelt impending defeat from Madhepura seat, he lashed out Nitish Kumar in a public meeting likening him with similar of Lalu’s caste politics. Come May’16 and all apprehension turned into reality and nothing appeared to be working for Nitish and his party. His desperation and helplessness went to such an extent that he agreed to revive his relations with Lalu Prasad in the name of secularism.

Walking down the memory lane of Nitish Kumar’s emergence in Bihar, let’s go back to dark days of Bihar during Lalu Prasad’s regime. It was Lalu regime in Bihar who is also known as the architect of talibanisation of Bihar. In 90s when India went for globalisation and started running fast on the development track, Bihar was running on the track of crime capital of the nation. In the assembly election of 2000, it appeared that there was and end of lalten yug and Nitish Kumar took oath of Chief Minister but within a week he had to step down before he could prove his majority in Legislative Assembly as congress party came to rescue of Lalu led RJD to ensure that Bihar is fully talibanised in another 5 years in consideration of ministerial berth for all 20 MLAs. Continue reading “Nitish Kumar – A History”

While Label ATMs – A new Initiative

Off late following successful functioning in Canada, RBI came out finally with draft guidelines to set up White Label ATMs (WLA). Now non-banking entities will be granted license to set up ATMs with approval from RBI. It is called while label ATM because it will not cover name of any bank though it will be definitely sponsored by banks only. Under the scheme a company registered under Companies Act 1956 and having minimum Net worth of Rs. 100.00 crores as per last audited financial are eligible to apply for license for WLA.

How will it function?

As per the guidelines issued by RBI a White Label ATM operator (WLAO) will enter into a tripartite Service Level Agreement between WLAO, the sponsor bank and ATM Network operator / Card Payment Network operator. It will sole responsibility of sponsor to provide adequate and good quality cash to WLAO. Servicing and maintenance of ATM will be responsibility of WLAO. Grievance redressal will be responsibility of card issuing bank. However, sponsor bank will extend all out support for speedy redressal of grievances.

How customer will be benefitted?

RBI has adequately taken care of the fact that all areas are covered under the said scheme and it is mandatory to install ATM in different locations in certain proportion so that it should not be taken purely as a profit making venture. Customers will get ATMs on different places nearby home or office place or shopping areas. ATMs will work more efficiently than it is presently performing specially ATMS of PSBs. Most of the time, in many ATMs, we find a placard hanging with contents either out of cash or out of order etc resulting in walking from one place to another defeating the very purpose of ATM.

It has been witnessed that since RBI making it mandatory for all bank to make free use of ATMs of all banks even by card holders of other banks, though subsequently with certain reservations, banks have been going slow in installation of ATMs. Maintenance and service of existing TAMs, specially of PSBs, are also not to that level of satisfaction. With WLA installation customers will be more benefitted with wide presence of it and better service condition. Banks also will reap the benefit as use of alternative delivery channel will be higher and thus burden in branches will be reduced. Though cash deposit facility will not be permitted in WLAs, it will improve percentage use of alternative delivery channel.

Let’s wait for a new era of banking with revolutionary call by RBI.

Nitish Kumar – A new controversy

The recent statement of Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on NDA candidature for Prime Minister-ship has thrown the media in a fresh stormy debate.  The statement of Nitish Kumar has clear indications that at no cost Mr. Narendra Modi will be accepted as candidate for PMship for 2014 general election. He has also emphasised that he is not in the race for this post.

I am unable to understand the view of Nitish Kumar in this entire episode. He has two eligibility criteria for the post of PM from NDA. First he or she should be from the largest party of the alliance and second, he or she should be a secular one. So far as first criterion is concerned it is clear indication that he should be from BJP but the second one is contradictory to first one. Nitish Kumar has been a part of the alliance lead by BJP and even today he is regarded as a performing CM due to BJP’s support only.

In my personal opinion the success in Bihar has given power ego to Nitish Kumar like earlier CM Lalu Prasad who also had declared himself the future Prime Ministerial candidate when in power in Bihar. Today we all know how strong contender he is so far as PM post is concerned? And if Narendra Modi is not a secular leader due to his so called involvement in Godhra riot which emerged post Sabarmati Express incidence, how secular character does Mr. L K Advani possess who is considered the default candidate for the post. Nitish Kumar did not react on his candidature during last general election despite it being a fact that Ayodhya incidence happened in 1993.

I have an advice for Nitish Kumar that people of Bihar has voted him to power cutting across caste and creed just for the sake of development of Bihar and get rid of earlier poor governance. He should concentrate for his cause to the state. Today it is observed that he has been reciting the same rhetoric that Bihar should be given a special state status as it has no resources. Mr. Kumar, when you were in power in centre being ally of NDA, why did not you do the same thing? Only because the then Bihar was being ruled over by some one other than you. And today when you came to power it needs special status because it has no resources. Mr. Kumar,  it is public sentiment which is so uncertain that even Indira Gandhi could not be spared. Recall your commitment to the people of Bihar or the next election may come as a horrible dream for you like your predecessor. Recall your days when you could not make even a victory for yourself from Barh constituency.

So far as candidature of Narendra Modi is concerned, purely based on a man of development, I support his candidature. He has given Gujarat a new height during his tenure as CM of the state. I strongly urge that secularism of our nation is maintained at all cost because this is the speciality of our nation. If we truly worship Mahatma Gandhi as father of nation, it need not be stressed that secularism is the sole of our nation.

At last I wish Nitish Kumar to keep development move on and meet his commitment to the people of state first and then think his journey to Delhi because Bihar needs you even more badly than Delhi.

Lalu Yadav – A Leader and communicator

Almost four decades passed since Lalu Yadav entered in political arena in seventies as student leader while studying in Patna University. A historical JP Movement was a landmark of his political career and that provided him a platform to lead from the front and becoming Chief Minister of Bihar to the surprise of all political pundits of those days. He had also been instrumental in bringing remarkable changes in student movement in Patna University.

When he took charge of Bihar in 1990, no one was of the opinion that he could be of such use for the poor people of Bihar but shortly he   compelled those to feel the symptom of being messiah of Poors. He is a great orator and he read the demography of Bihar and relating the same with strong democratic set up, he uplifted the morale of poor people and made them understand their rights in democratic independent India. It was Lalu Yadv and Lalu Yadav only who brought social revolution in Bihar in early 90s. Today, whosoever may be taking advantage of political awareness of common poor people of Bihar, but it was Lalu Yadav only who filled these people with political rights awareness in masses.

Being Railway Minister in UPA-I he did remarkable job as well. Today Railway is passing through the worst ever turmoil but it was railway only which made lalu Yadav a Management Guru as well attracting global business schools inviting him for management lectures and interaction with students. Even it became a topic of research in an internationally renowned business school.

Apart from all his characteristics, he is a great orator and that helped him to rise to this level and made a great leader of International fame. A biggest media savvy Indian Political leader, having all the wisdom to deal with media people. So far no one could trap him in any corner stone by putting any question before him. I wish to share with you that even today having out or power in almost all spheres, he is the man who attracts the greatest masses in his rallies. People of opposite parties attend his rally to listens to his speech. That is the reason I personally find in him a great orator who has ability to rally masses behind him.

Very recently I was listening to him speaking in Lok Sabha on the issue of Rail Budget and post budget political fiasco. It was a pin drop silence during his speech and perhaps you agree with me, is the most uncommon thing in Indian Parliament. I am a great fan of him as an individual. I respect his contribution to the social revolution in Bihar. I salute his vision that from a village having no political family background, he became a leader of International repute.

I see him as a great leader and orator.

सत्यमेव जयते – एक नया अभियान

आमिर खान ने एक टेलिविजन कार्यक्रम के माध्यम से हमारे देश मे महिला भ्रुण हत्या के खिलाफ एक क्रान्ति लाने क प्रयास किया है. यह कार्यक्रम के आने के बाद से ही पुरे देश मे इस बात की चर्चा हो रही है. बाद विवाद का दौर मानो थमने का नाम ही नहिं ले रहा है.  हमारे देश मे यह कोइ नयी बात नहीं है कि महिलाओं को समान का दर्जा प्राप्त नहीं है. ईस कर्यक्रम के जरिये यह बताने का प्रयास किया गया है कि किस तरह से जन्म से पहले ही एक इन्सानियत क कत्ल कर दिया जाता है.

लेकिन सबसे अहम सवाल यह है कि आखिर क्यों ऐसा किया जा रहा है? क्यों एक इन्सान हि इन्सान के जान का दूश्मन बन जाता ह? और फिर यह महिलाओं के साथ हि क्यों होता है? इन सारे सवालों का एक हि जवाव है कि हमारे समाज मे वयाप्त कुछ कुरितियां आज भी एक इन्सान को हैवानियत पर उतरने को मजबूर करता है. प्राय: ऐसा देखा जाता है कि कि मां बाप हि अपने औलाद के दुश्मन बन जाते हैं. हमारे समाज में व्याप्त दहेज प्रथा, कार्य स्थल पर महिलाओं के सथ भेदभाव, रोज हो रहे अत्याचार, बलात्कर, खुन, हत्याएं वगैरह न जाने ऐसे कितने सामाजिक कलंक है जो एक माता पिता को एक बच्ची का माता पिता होने से पहले उसका हत्यारा होने पर मजबूर कर देता है.

जब हम उस टेलिविजन धारावाहिक सत्यमेव जयते कि बात करते हैं जिसमे आमीर खान लोगों से ईस सामाजिक कुरीतियों के खिलाफ आवाज उठाने का आग्रह कर रहे थे. मैं ईसकी सराहना करता हुं कि व्याव्सायिक उद्देश्य से हि सही कोइ तो समाज मे फैले हुए वुराईयों के खिलाफ आवाज उठाने क काम किया है. लेकिन जिस तरह से पुरे देश मे ईस कर्यक्रम पर प्रतिक्रिया जाहिर किया जा रहा है ऐसा लगता है कि कुछ न कुछ तो सामाजिक कल्याण हो कर हि रहेगा.

लेकिन जहां तक मेरा मनना है यह मुद्दा भी समय के साथ धीरे – धीरे ठंधे वस्ते मे चला जायेगा. अभी सीर्फ़ और सीर्फ़  इसलिये इतना जोर पर है क्योंकि इसे आमीर खान ने एक कर्यक्रम के जरियी उथाया है. लेकिन मै लोगों को यह बताने का प्रयास करुंगा कि आमिर खान कोइ समाज सुधारक नहिं है जो कि ईस कुरीति के खिलाफ लंबे आंदोलन करने वाले हैं वल्कि वो यह समाज को सुधारने का काम भी पैसे के लिये हि कर रहे है. जैसा कि उन्होने खुद ही पत्रकारों से बातचीत के दौरान कहा है

ईस कार्यक्रम का मकसद चाहे जो भी हो, हमें एक बार फीर से संकल्प लेना होगा जी वच्चों के साथ लींग के नाम पर भेद भाव नहीं होने देंगें.

जय हिन्द, जय भारत!